"Privacy Policy and Legal Terms"Privacy Policy and Legal Terms
1. We provide in accordance with this membership service agreement, other announcements on this website, usage specifications and precautions (hereinafter collectively referred to as "this agreement") services. The purpose of this agreement is to protect the rights and interests of members when using the services of this website, and to confirm the rights and obligations between the company and members.
Second, when you become a member or shop online, we may collect your personal information, as follows: name, phone number, e-mail account habits, etc. If you cannot provide the personal information required for the scope of relevant services, you may not be able to complete some of the online services and transactions you need.
Third, when you register your membership information on this website and confirm to join the membership, it means that you have read, understood and agreed to accept all the contents and agreements of this agreement, and completely Accept the current and future service items and content of this service.
4. This website has the right to revise or change the content of this agreement at any time based on needs, and replace the previous content. The revised content of the agreement will be published on this service "Member Area". When you use this website, you should always pay attention to the modification and change of relevant content. If you continue to use the service after any modification or change, you will be deemed to have read, understood and agreed to accept the completed relevant modifications and changes. If you do not agree with the above-mentioned revision or update method of this agreement, or do not accept any other agreement in this agreement, you may immediately stop using this service.
5. Please keep any of your personal information safe and do not provide any personal information to anyone. After you complete online shopping, member contact and other related online services, please remember to log out. If you share a computer with others or use a public computer, please remember to close the browser window to prevent others from collecting and using your personal information.
Service range of members:
1. The scope of services provided by this website, including this website  , and all possible future additions of this website The website website, this website may increase, decrease, change or terminate the items or content of related services depending on business needs and actual conditions, and make an announcement on this website.
Second, the period of membership service means that after the user completes the application form and completes the registration process, this website completes the relevant system settings and makes the membership service available for use day.
●Member account, password and security:
1. When you register your membership information on this website, this website is a transaction security and privacy protection policy. As far as this website is concerned, the combination of each user account and password represents the individual user, and his behavior in using the services of this website is regarded as the user's own behavior. You must properly set, maintain and keep your member password, including but not limited to the timely logout procedures at the end of the service of this website. If you disclose your personal information, membership password or payment information, and allow a third party to have the opportunity to use it, you must take full responsibility for the actions of the third party.
Second, you should register correct and complete information when registering on this website. If you provide any wrong or false information to log in, this website has the right to suspend or terminate your account and refuse you to use the services of this website.
3. The account you registered on this website may also be used on external websites linked through this website. This website will not provide personal information to external websites. You may be required to enter your personal information when you first enable the external website service, and the terms of service and privacy protection policy of the website will apply. If you do not want to provide personal information on the external website, you can refuse to enable the service of the external website. This website does not make any guarantee or responsibility for the external website.
Guarantee of privacy for members:
1. For the personal data that you log in or save, the company will never be responsible for non-related business partners of this website (hereinafter referred to as " "Strategic Partner") to disclose your name, address, email address and other legally protected personal information.
Second, the company will only use this information when managing members and providing customer service, such as: calling to notify you of discount information for purchased products, sending e-newsletters to notify you of the " Good luck activities", such as lottery news, new product trial, etc.; and when you win a prize, the company will notify you of the winning news by phone or email, and send the product to you. In addition, when you forget your membership password, we will also check your identity with you based on these materials and provide you with a new password. The company will strictly protect your privacy, except for government judicial agencies or with your own consent, the company will not hand over your information to a third party.
3. Members have the right to request the use of personal data (member details), to correct, supplement, delete or block personal data at any time, or to object to the use of member personal data for direct marketing and receive specific or various marketing materials. For the above requirements, please click here (join link)
Finally, regarding the personal information and other specific information (such as transaction information) that you log in or save, it is in accordance with the provisions of the "Personal Data Protection Law" and the " "Privacy Policy" is protected and regulated. The company will try its best to protect the security of all personal data with reasonable technology and procedures.
●Newsletter and EDM delivery
After you become a member, you are deemed to have agreed that the company may send newsletters or product messages (EDM) to your registered email address from time to time. If you are sure that you do not want to receive our company's member e-newsletter or product information (EDM), please inform the company to unsubscribe through the following link
Transaction Behavior
1. Please confirm that the product meets your needs before placing an order. If you order a product on this website, the system of this website judges that you have any return or exchange , the frequency of canceling orders is too high, or any behavior that the company deems inappropriate and causes trouble or damage to the company's operations, the company will, depending on the situation, refuse to trade, suspend or permanently terminate the service provided to you on this website. .
Second, if you choose to shop by credit card, you must fill in the exact credit card information. If it is found that the credit card information you filled in is false or any credit card is stolen without the permission of the cardholder, this website can suspend or terminate your membership. If your behavior involves violation of relevant laws, you will also be investigated according to law.
Third, you agree that all online consumption on this website shall be subject to the electronic transaction data automatically recorded by the computer system of this website. Electronic transaction data is the standard for identification. If you find that the transaction information is incorrect, you should notify this website immediately.
Intellectual property rights:
1. The software or programs used in this service, and all content on the website, including but not limited to works, pictures, files, information, materials, website structure, and arrangement of website screens , Web design, unless otherwise expressly stated by the company, all intellectual property rights are legally owned by this website or other obligees, including but not limited to trademark rights, patent rights, copyrights, trade secrets and proprietary technologies.
Second, no one may use, modify, reproduce, publicly broadcast, modify, distribute, distribute, publicly publish, restore engineering, decompile or disassemble without authorization. Anyone wishing to quote or reproduce the aforementioned software, programs or website content must obtain the prior written consent of the company or other obligees according to law.
Basis of liability and damages:
1. When you use this service, all data records during the use process shall be based on the data recorded in the service database. In the event of any dispute, both parties will submit their stored electronic data records to the court or an impartial third party for determination with the utmost sincerity.
Second, if you violate this agreement or relevant laws and regulations, the company and related performance assistants will suffer damage or pay expenses (including but not limited to freight and handling fees) , litigation costs and attorney fees), shall bear the liability for compensation.
Service suspension and disclaimer:
1. The company maintains the normal operation of this website with methods and technologies generally considered reasonable at present. However, under the following circumstances, the company will have the right to suspend, interrupt or refuse to provide all or part of the service, and the company will not be liable for any compensation or compensation for any direct or indirect damage to the user:
1. When relocating, replacing, upgrading, maintaining or repairing software and hardware equipment related to this service.
2. The user has any violation of government laws or this agreement.
3. Service stop or interruption caused by other force majeure factors.
4. Other service stoppages or interruptions not attributable to the company.
5. Due to reasons beyond the control of the company, the service information is displayed incorrectly, or is forged, altered, deleted or retrieved, or the system is interrupted or cannot operate normally hour.
6. When using our company's SMS or other electronic message transmission services, if there are defamatory, offensive or harmful words, or other content that violates public order and good customs, this website has the right to reject you use of the service.
7. Other situations where the company deems it necessary to stop or interrupt the service.
Second, when the company's predictable hardware and software maintenance plan may lead to system interruption or suspension, it will try its best to take appropriate measures before the situation occurs. The method is announced on this website.
Third, this website is only provided for your use according to the existing items, functions and status quo at the time of providing the service, and the company does not assume any guarantee, guarantee or liability for damages.
● The obligation to notify the company of termination of membership:
1. When you use this service, if you (including but not limited to) provide wrong or false information to log in as a member, and continuously claim to the customer service department of the company for services and items In case of irrelevant issues, or other violations of the content of this agreement, the purpose of this website and the spirit of member services, the company may directly suspend, terminate or refuse to provide members and all other services. You hereby promise that no matter what the reason is, when the company terminates your membership service in accordance with this agreement, your consent is not required, and the company will not bear any obligations or responsibilities to you or any third party.
Second, in order to notify you of relevant information, the company will use the email address you saved on this website when you registered as the delivery method. If your email address changes, you should log in to this website to update the information immediately, and you should maintain the correctness, timeliness and completeness of your email address and other personal information at any time in the future. If the email address you keep is wrong, expired or other reasons not attributable to the company, the delivery of the message cannot be accepted, it is still deemed that the company has completed the delivery of the notice.
●The validity, applicable law and competent court of this agreement
1. In this agreement, if all or part of any provision is invalid, it will not affect the validity of other agreements.
Second, the rights and obligations between you and the company shall be determined in accordance with this agreement. In the event of any disputes, both parties shall, with the greatest sincerity, negotiate and resolve them in accordance with the principles of good faith, equality and reciprocity, and both parties agree to use Taichung North District Court in Taiwan as the court of first instance jurisdiction.
Third, if there is anything not covered in this agreement, it shall be interpreted, supplemented and handled in accordance with the law.